HP Tuners GM Gen V Master Training Course
HP Tuners GM Gen V master training course starts with the basics of downloading and installing the software. We take a step by step approach introducing more concepts and techniques with each video to illustrate not only how the GM ecu works, but how to read live data and make accurate changes. In addition, we explore how to dial in the direct injection operation as well as the torque modeling so the ECM operates as GM designed the system. Lastly, with the master training course option we explore how to calibrate several GM Gen V vehicles from start to finish so you can apply the knowledge learned in the training course in practical terms.
GM Gen V Training Course Packet (Click to Download)
220 MB
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 1: VCM Software Suite Install
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 1: VCM Software Suite Install walks you through downloading and installing the VCM software suite to begin the training course.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 2: VCM Editor Overview
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 2: VCM Editor Overview walks you through the VCM Editor software to begin the training course.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 3: VCM Scanner Overview
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 3: VCM Scanner Overview walks you through the various features and functions within the VCM scanner software to begin the training course.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 4: VCM Scanner Histogram & Math
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 4: VCM Scanner Histogram & Math walks you through how the histogram and math channels work within the VCM scanner software.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 5: VCM Scanner Filters
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 5: VCM Scanner Filters walks you through the importance of filters in logged data. We explore various filter samples provided in the training course and when to use them.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 6: VCM Editor Read & Write
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 6: VCM Editor Read & Write walks you through how to do the reading, writing, and licensing process to get started calibrating your Gen V vehicle.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 7: Repository & Compare Feature
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 7: Repository & Compare Feature walks you through how to do proper file comparisons in order to highlight differences quickly during the tuning process.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 8: Template Applicator
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 8: Template Applicator walks you through how to utilize the template applicator feature to create rapid basemap generation focusing on common changes or modifications to the calibration file.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 9: ECM Logic Operation
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 9: ECM Logic Operation walks you through how the GM ECM airflow / fuel model and torque modeling works.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 10: Throttle Mass Flow
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 10: Throttle Mass Flow walks you through the throttle mass flow selection and map/baro programming details.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 11: Injector Characterization Data
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 11: Injector Characterization Data breaks down how the injector data characterization works within the direct injection system. We explore using an Excel calculator to illustrate how injector flow changes based on commanded rail pressure.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 12: Direct Injection - SOI Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 12: Direct Injection - SOI Tuning walks you through how direct injection works within the Otto cycle. We explore how to program the SOI table based on cam card data.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 13: Low Pressure Pump Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 13: Low Pressure Pump Tuning walks you through dialing in the low pressure pump in the direct injection system. We explore what to look for in data review to ensure proper low pressure pump control conditions.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 14: High Pressure Pump Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 14: High Pressure Pump Tuning walks you through how to program the high pressure direct injection pump to achieve proper combustion for high power levels.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 15: Power Enrichment
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 15: Power Enrichment breaks down how PE enrichment works in EQ ratio, lambda, and AFR scaling.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 16: Dynamic Airflow
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 16: Dynamic Airflow breaks down how the dynamic airflow parameter works within the ECM programming.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 17: Spark Timing Basics
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 17: Spark Timing Basics walks you through how spark timing works within the Otto cycle.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 18: Spark Timing & Modifiers
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 18: Spark Timing & Modifiers walks you through how the spark timing tables and modifiers work together to deliver a spark event at the engine.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 19: Knock Control Basics
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 19: Knock Control Basics walks you through how the GM Gen V knock control system works and the tables associated for programming.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 20: Knock Control Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 20: Knock Control Tuning walks you through tuning spark timing utilizing the knock control to guide in making safe and reliable edits.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 21: Spark Airmass Rescaling
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 21: Spark Airmass Rescaling walks you through when and how to rescale the spark airmass based on potential horsepower.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 22: Variable Cam Control
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 22: Variable Cam Control walks you through how the VVT feature works, programming, and tips and tricks to achieve the best power.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 23: Gen V Torque Model Intro
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 23: Gen V Torque Model Intro walks you through the basics of the torque control model. You'll learn how the ECM takes a electric pedal movement and translates it into throttle plate movement based on torque requests.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 24: Torque Model Basics
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 24: Torque Model Basics walks you through data log examples to learn how the torque control functions and what to change in the calibration to get the torque control back inline with high power engines.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 25: Torque Model Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 25: Torque Model Tuning walks you through some common changes that need to be made within the torque model to avoid throttle closure and torque management spark retard on high power applications.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 26: Idle Control Basics
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 26: Idle Control Basics walks you through how the torque based idle control works in controlling spark and DBW operation in idle conditions.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 27: Idle Tuning Demo / Big Cam Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 27: Idle Tuning Demo / Big Cam Tuning walks you through a basic idle tuning demonstration. We also explore data log examples showing what to monitor and where to make changes to get the torque based idle control calibrated properly.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 28: COT / Rev Limiters
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 28: COT / Rev Limiters breaks down how the catalyst overheating protection and torque based rev limiters work in GM Gen V vehicles.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 29: Lambda / AFR / EQ Ratio
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 29: Lambda / AFR / EQ Ratio walks you through the differences between EQ Ratio, Lambda, and AFR readings referenced from a wideband controller.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 30: Wideband Integration
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 30: Wideband Integration walks you through three different methods of integrating a wideband into the VCM scanner for open-loop operation.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 31: Closed-Loop Fuel Basics
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 31: Closed-Loop Fuel Basics breaks down how the closed-loop fueling correction works in the fuel / airflow modeling.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 32: VCM Scanner Closed Loop
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 32: VCM Scanner Closed Loop reviews how the closed-loop feature works based on logged data that can be reviewed in the VCM scanner software.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 33: Closed-Loop Airflow Modes
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 33: Closed-Loop Airflow Modes walks you through switching voltages and airflow modes within the closed-loop fuel correction.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 34: Closed-Loop PID Gains
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 34: Closed-Loop PID Gains breaks down how to tune the proportional and integral gains to influence the closed-loop fuel correction behavior.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 35: MAF Operation Basics
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 35: MAF Operation Basics breaks down the basics of how the MAF sensor is used in airflow modeling within GM Gen
V vehicles. -
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 36: High Power MAF Rescaling
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 36: High Power MAF Rescaling walks you through rescaling the MAF curve based on high horsepower applications. We explore using a supplied Excel calculator to make the process extremely simple.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 37: Speed Density / Virtual VE
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 37: Speed Density / Virtual VE walks you through how the speed density airflow modeling works in Gen V vehicles.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 38: Dynamic / VVE Zones
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 38: Dynamic / VVE Zones walks you through how to rescale the dynamic airflow zones to gain more fueling resolution on a forced induction engine.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 39: Closed-Loop VVE Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 39: Closed-Loop VVE Tuning walks you through properly calibrating the speed density airmass modeling using closed-loop fuel trims.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 40: Closed-Loop MAF Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 40: Closed-Loop MAF Tuning walks you through the calibration process to dial in the MAF curve. We use closed-loop STFT data within the VCM scanner to help guide the calibration process.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 41: MAF / VE Hybrid Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 41: MAF / VE Hybrid Tuning breaks down how the MAF and SD airflow models can be simultaneously calibrated using the VCM scanner math channels and histograms.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 42: MAF / SD Hybrid CL Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 42: MAF / SD Hybrid CL Tuning walks you through dialing in the MAF and SD airmass modeling simultaneously using closed-loop fuel trim data. We cover the entire calibration process from start to finish to ensure proper airmass registration and torque calculations ...
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 43: MAF / SD Hybrid OL Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 43: MAF / SD Hybrid OL Tuning walks you through simultaneously dialing in the MAF and SD airmass modeling under high load / full throttle conditions. In addition, we explore other full throttle tuning changes such as torque modeling and spark timing.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 44: Flex Fuel Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 44: Flex Fuel Tuning walks you through how the flex fuel feature works within the GM programming. We also do a demonstration of doing some basic tuning using the flex fuel feature on our demo vehicle.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 45: Secondary Fuel Injection
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 45: Secondary Fuel Injection walks you through how to dial in the fuel model when you are spraying additional fuel through port injection or meth injection.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 46: Airflow Correlation Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 46: Airflow Correlation Tuning walks you through how to properly dial in airflow correlation tables to avoid a P0068 DTC code and run away throttle conditions.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 47: Start-Up Fuel / Warm-Up
HP Tuners GM Gen V Training Part 47: Start-Up Fuel / Warm-Up breaks down how the starting fuel / airflow modeling works as well as enrichment fueling during warm-up operation.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 1: Basemap Creation
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 1: Basemap Creation walks you through how to create a base file to get a GM Gen V engine fired up and running based on the modifications that have been done.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 2: Start-Up / Idle Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 2: Start-Up / Idle Tuning walks you through the idle torque tuning process on a big cam 2017 Camaro ZL1. We explore how and why we make changes to airflow model and virtual torque tables to achieve a desired idle speed.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 3: MAF / SD Cruise Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 3: MAF / SD Cruise Tuning walks you through how to dial in the airflow model at part throttle driving conditions using logged data within the VCM scanner software.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 4: MAF / SD WOT Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Live Training Part 4: MAF / SD WOT Tuning walks you through the full throttle calibration process to dial in the MAF, SD, Torque model, and Direct Injection. We draw on all of the concepts learned in the main training course to successfully how the tuning workflow from start t...
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 1: Basemap Creation
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 1: Basemap Creation walks you through modifying the stock 2018 Yukon Denali calibration file to work with a Magnuson supercharger kit, Z06 fuel injectors / high pressure pump, long tube headers, and flex fuel sensor.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 2: Idle / Cruise Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 2: Idle / Cruise Tuning breaks down how to calibrate the airflow model in normal operating conditions to get smooth drivability and good fuel economy.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 3: WOT Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 3: WOT Tuning breaks how to calibrate the airflow model and spark timing during full throttle conditions. We explore the process using our Mainline chassis dyno to help illustrate each step.
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 4: Flex Fuel Tuning
HP Tuners GM Gen V Yukon Denali Live Training Part 4: Flex Fuel Tuning walks you through experimenting with the variable cam control programming and introducing ethanol to the fuel system to gain additional power.