AEM Series 1 Training Course
AEM Series 1 training course starts with the basics of downloading and installing the AEMPro and AEMLog software. Basic functions such as fuel, ignition and idle programming are covered as well as more advanced features such as anti-lag, rev limiters, traction control, closed loop PID control, boost control, and much more.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 1: Software Install
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through how to download and install the AEM Pro and AEM Log software to begin the training course.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 2: AEM Pro Basics
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through the basic features and functions of the AEM Pro software to begin the training course.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 3: AEM Pro Page Layouts
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through setting up the AEM Pro page layouts to save time while tuning your AEM Series 1.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 4: Injector Data & Inputs
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through how to program your injector dead time / offset as well as configuring the basic sensor inputs.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 5: Configuring Outputs
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through how to program your outputs such as a radiator fan, secondary fuel pump, and many other functions.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 6: Main Fuel Table
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working with the main fuel table and how to properly rescale the microbit/sec to gain precise fuel delivery.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 7: Start-Up Fuel Trims
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through how the cranking fuel, post-start fuel trim, and warm up enrichment trims work and how to properly program them.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 8: o2 Feedback Control
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working with the o2 feedback control to dial in your main fuel table, and provide a long term correction after you have completed tuning.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 9: Accel & Decel Fuel
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working with the acceleration fuel enrichment and deceleration fuel cut off features within the AEM Pro software.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 10: Spark Timing & Modifier Tables
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working with the main spark timing table and modifier tables.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 11: Boost Comp Fuel Trim
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working with the boost compensation fuel trim modifier table to provide a linear increase in fuel delivery based on manifold pressure changes.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 12: Idle Control
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working how to tune the idle control in both the basic and advanced settings.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 13: Knock Control
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working with the knock control feature in the AEM Pro software.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 14: Rev Limiters Control
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working how to set-up your main rev limiter and 2 step rev limiter features within the AEM series 1 software. We also take a look at working with the drag race anti-lag feature to build boost off the line for a turbocharged engine.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 15: Coil Dwell & Injector Phasing
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working how to program your coil dwell settings, and work with the injector phasing table to optimize the injector timing.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 16: Nitrous Control
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working how the nitrous control programming works, and strategies to implement when tuning with nitrous.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 17: Boost Control
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through working how to work with the boost control feature in the AEM Pro software. We take a look at both open and closed loop control strategies, as well as the workflow to dial in the closed loop boost tables.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 18: VTEC
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through how to program VTEC equipped Honda engines. We cover the basic output control to utilizing separate fuel and spark timing tables for high cam operation.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 19: Water/Meth Injection
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through different tuning strategies working with water/meth injection within the AEM Pro software.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 20: Misc Features
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, walks you through various misc programming features within the AEM Pro software such as VSS calibration, gear ratios, Tacho output, TPS based fuel tables, and more.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 21: Datalogging Basics
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, as he walks you through how to capture data logs by PC/laptop or the on-board logging feature. We also take a look what on-board logging channels are useful for logging purposes.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 22: AEM Log Introduction
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, as he walks you through an introduction to using the AEM Log software to review data logs captured in AEM Pro.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 23: AEM Log Overlay
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, as he walks you through using the overlay option in the AEM Log software to compare two different log files.
AEM Series 1 Training Part 24: AEM Log Review
Follow along as lead instructor, Jeff Evans, as he walks you through reviewing a data log from a tuning session in the AEM Log software.