MaxxEcu Training Part 11: Cam & Crank Trigger Set-Up walks you through programming and configuration of the cam/crank triggers within the MTune software. We explore VR / Mag and Hall Effect sensor types, different cam/crank patterns, and rising / falling signal.
Up Next in MaxxEcu Main Training Course
MaxxEcu Training Part 12: Fuel Inject...
MaxxEcu Training Part 12: Fuel Injection Methods walks you through the various different fuel injection types within the Mtune software.
MaxxEcu Training Part 14: Fuel Pressu...
MaxxEcu Training Part 14: Fuel Pressure Compensation walks you through how to integrate a fuel pressure sensor into the fuel calculations. We explore sensor set-up, what to data log, and how to interpret the data to know how the fuel system is performing.
MaxxEcu Training Part 13: Injector Ch...
MaxxEcu Training Part 13: Injector Characterization Data walks you through how injector data is programmed within the MTune software. We explore injector flow rate, dead time, and short pulse-width data and how it represents the injector flow and response characteristics.