MaxxEcu Training Part 7: Advanced Inputs walks you through how to configure advanced sensor inputs such as fuel / oil pressure, oil temp, trim pot switch, and more using the MTune software.
Up Next in MaxxEcu Master Training Course
MaxxEcu Training Part 8: Digital Inputs
MaxxEcu Training Part 8: Digital Inputs walks you through setting up digital inputs to the MaxxEcu including toggle switch, flex fuel sensor, or vehicle speed / wheel speed sensors.
MaxxEcu Training Part 9: Output Progr...
MaxxEcu Training Part 9: Output Programming walks you through the various types of outputs for programming such as low side, high side, on/off, and PWM. We take a close look at how to program these outputs integrating relays to avoid damaging the MaxxEcu output circuit.
MaxxEcu Training Part 10: Ignition Co...
MaxxEcu Training Part 10: Ignition Configuration & Coil Dwell walks you through the various ignition system configurations you will run into for programming with the MaxxEcu system. We also explore programming ignition coil dwell to ensure proper spark energy from the ignition system under a...