MaxxEcu Training Part 41: VTEC Tuning takes an in-depth look at how to integrate the VTEC output activation within the MTune software. We also explore how to integrate a dual VE fuel table and spark timing table based on VTEC operation.
Up Next in MaxxEcu Master Training Course
MaxxEcu Training Part 42: Staged Fuel...
MaxxEcu Training Part 42: Staged Fuel Injection takes an in-depth look at programming staged fuel injection within the MTune software. We explore the variations in programming the staged injection for different applications.
MaxxEcu Training Part 43: Water/Meth ...
MaxxEcu Training Part 43: Water/Meth Injection takes an in-depth look at how to integrate and tune with AEM or Aquamist water/meth injection systems using the MTune software.
MaxxEcu Training Part 44: Nitrous Con...
MaxxEcu Training Part 44: Nitrous Control walks you through how to tune dry and wet shots of nitrous using the MaxxEcu. We explore how the fuel and spark calculations are performed so we can ensure safe operation when spraying nitrous.