MaxxEcu Training Part 21: Fuel Injection Timing walks you through programming the proper fuel injection point for your engine based on the camshaft profile. We learn how to utilize a supplied Excel spread sheet calculator to determine an EOI (end of injection) referenced timing point.
Up Next in MaxxEcu Master Training Course
MaxxEcu Training Part 22: Acceleratio...
MaxxEcu Training Part 22: Acceleration Enrichment walks you through how the acceleration fuel enrichment works within the MaxxEcu. We explore how to properly tune the acceleration enrichment and what parameters to log while tuning.
MaxxEcu Training Part 23: Spark Timing
MaxxEcu Training Part 23: Spark Timing takes an in-depth look at how spark timing works within an internal combustion engine. We move into how the spark timing table works and how to program it properly for a naturally aspirated or forced induction application.
MaxxEcu Training Part 24: Spark Timin...
MaxxEcu Training Part 24: Spark Timing Modifiers walks you through how spark timing modifiers such as IAT and ECT are used within the spark timing programming. In addition we explore turning the modifier tables from 2-D into a 3-D format for more precise control.