Holley EFI Training Course Part 5: Laptop & On-Board Datalogging
Holley HP & Dominator Master Training Course
Holley EFI Training Course Part 5: Laptop & On-Board Datalogging walks you through how to properly capture a laptop and on-board data log. We review how to configure the trigger conditions to turn on the on-board data logging so the data capture is correct to the logging conditions.
Up Next in Holley HP & Dominator Master Training Course
Holley EFI Training Course Part 6: Da...
Holley EFI Training Course Part 6: Data Analysis Software walks you through how to review the data logs capture in either laptop or on-board data logging. We explore the data logger interface and learn how to interlink the logging to the fuel, spark, or other main tables for tuning purposes.
Holley EFI Training Course Part 7: So...
Holley EFI Training Course Part 7: Software Keystrokes & Editing Techniques walks you through getting familiar with the various keystrokes, interpolation functions, and math calculations that the Holley V5 software has to offer.
Holley EFI Training Course Part 8: Fu...
Holley EFI Training Course Part 8: Fuel Strategies & Load Sensing Types walks you through the various different fuel strategies available within the Holley EFI V5 software. We explore speed density, alpha-n, and VE based fuel tuning strategies and learn what is better suited in certain appli...