Haltech Elite NSP Training Course Part 46: Spark Timing Set-Up & Tuning
Haltech Elite NSP Training Course
Haltech Elite NSP Training Course Part 46: Spark Timing Set-Up & Tuning breaks down how to configure a spark timing table for naturally aspirated or forced induction engine.
Up Next in Haltech Elite NSP Training Course
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Haltech Elite NSP Training Course Part 47: Spark Timing Corrections breaks down how various correction tables are used to keep the spark timing at a safe level for any conditions the engine will see.
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Haltech Elite NSP Training Course Part 48: Knock Control walks you through how the knock control feature works with the NSP software. We explore reviewing data logs to determine how to dial in the knock control to save your engine in the event of knock.
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Haltech Elite NSP Training Course Part 49: Spark Tuning Demo walks you through tuning spark timing on a demo vehicle using our Mainline chassis dyno. We explore the proper technique to determine cruising and WOT spark timing while integrating knock control into the process.