Ecu Flash Training: 16 Bit Subaru
Want to know how to tune a 16 Bit Subaru WRX? We have you covered with this multi-part training course that shows you how open source software works, how to properly edit and work with rom files, xml definitions, and how the tables within the stock ECU function. We take both a formal approach to learning the software / tables and a practical real-world approach with live training examples on our chassis dyno. You'll be left with knowing what tables to edit, how to make changes, how to read data log files, and ultimately getting a 16 Bit Subaru calibrated properly!
ECU Flash Subaru Course Packet (click to download)
26.1 MB
ECU Flash 16 Bit Subaru Course Packet. This includes XML definitions, sample files, sample data logs, excel calculator, and much more!
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 1: Ecu Logic Operation
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 1: Ecu Logic Operation breaks down how the Subaru ecu calculates fuel and spark timing on a fundamental level to begin the training course.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 2: Ecu Flash Software Basics
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 2: Ecu Flash Software Basics walks you through how to work with Ecu Flash tuning suite. We explore how to open, edit, read, and flash a calibration file using a demo Subaru WRX.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 3: Rom Raider Data Logging Basics
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 3: Rom Raider Data Logging Basics walks you through how to use Rom Raider data logging software. Rom Raider software will be a vital part of the tuning process so we cover all needed details to up and running data logging your Subaru!
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 4: Megalog Viewer HD Software Basics
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 4: Megalog Viewer HD Software Basics walks you through how to utilize Megalog software to analyze data captured within Rom Raider logging software. We cover all the details to get familiar with this software to begin your journey into Subaru tuning.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 5: XML Code & Rom Files
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 5: XML Code & Rom Files walks you through how the XML code definition files work within ECU Flash tuning software.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 6: MAF vs Speed Density Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 6: MAF vs Speed Density Tuning breaks down the differences between MAF based tuning and Speed Density based tuning on Subaru platforms.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 7: Carberry Rom
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 7: Carberry Rom walks you through the differences between a standard Subaru rom and the Carberry enhanced rom.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 8: Injector Characterization Data
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 8: Injector Characterization Data breaks down how fuel injector programming data works within the Subaru ecu. We explore fuel injector scalar, latency, minimum pulse-width, and short pulse-width data.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 9: Closed / Open Loop Fuel Control
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 9: Closed / Open Loop Fuel Control walks you through how the closed and open loop fuel control works within the Subaru ecu. We break down how to determine what mode you are operating in based on logged data within Megalog Viewer HD software.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 10: Closed / Open Loop Demonstration
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 10: Closed / Open Loop Demonstration takes an in-depth look at how the closed & open loop fuel control works with our WRX demo vehicle. We learn about some tricks to keeping LTFT from affecting full throttle boost fuel delivery as well as proper logging chan...
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 11: Rom Raider Wideband AFR Logging
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 11: Rom Raider Wideband AFR Logging takes an in-depth look at how to set-up an AEM wideband for serial stream logging with Rom Raider software.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 12: MAF Closed-Loop Fuel Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 12: MAF Closed-Loop Fuel Tuning walks you through how to proper tune a MAF based Subaru rom. We learn how to properly rescale a MAF curve based on the stock and new MAF housing size, injector data scaling techniques for fuel tuning, and more tips/tricks to g...
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 13: MAF Open-Loop Fuel Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 13: MAF Open-Loop Fuel Tuning takes an in-depth look at how to properly calibrate fuel delivery on a MAF based Subaru in open-loop / full throttle conditions. We learn what to edit, what channels to log in Rom Raider, and how to analyze the data within Megal...
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 14: SD Closed Loop Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 14: SD Closed Loop Tuning walks you through how to properly dial in closed-loop style fuel tuning using a VE fuel table and injector latency data. We learn how to make editing changes, log specific data channels in Rom Raider logging software and how to anal...
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 15: SD Open Loop Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 15: SD Open Loop Tuning takes an in-depth look at how to proper dial in open loop / WOT fuel tuning using a Carberry based rom file. We learn what to data log, how to analyze the data, and how to make proper changes so your AFR is dialed into perfection!
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 16: MAP / SD Hybrid Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 16: MAP / SD Hybrid Tuning takes a look at using a hybrid airmass determination between MAF and SD modes using a Carberry enhanced rom file. We explore how it works, what to data log in Rom Raider, and how to interpret the data in MGLV HD software.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 17: Misc Fuel Tuning Tables
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 17: Misc Fuel Tuning Tables takes a look at various miscellaneous fuel tuning details such as forced open loop, o2 smoothing, and o2 rescaling based on sensor placement.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 18: Cranking, Post-Start, Warm-Up Fuel
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 18: Cranking, Post-Start, Warm-Up Fuel walks you through how to delivery the proper fuel under cranking, post-start, and warm-up operation. We learn how to utilize the supplied Excel spread sheet calculator to determine values based on injector size.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 19: Idle Control Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 19: Idle Control Tuning takes an in-depth look at how to the idle control routine works in both a stock Subaru rom and enhanced Carberry rom. We learn what to data log and how to analyze the data to determine how the idle control system is performing.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 20: Accel & Decel Fuel
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 20: Accel & Decel Fuel takes a look at how to proper dial in the fuel delivery in transient throttle changes and in lift throttle situations. We explore how to integrate the supplied Excel spread sheet calculator for scaling both accel and decel fuel program...
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 21: Spark Timing & Knock Control
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 21: Spark Timing & Knock Control breaks down how the Subaru ecu calculates spark timing based on load and engine rpm. We also explore how the knock control is integrated into the spark timing calculations with the standard OEM rom and enhanced Carberry rom.
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 22: Spark Tuning Demonstration
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 22: Spark Tuning Demonstration takes a look at the spark calibration process from start to finish on a 2003 WRX running a Carberry rom. We learn what to data log using Rom Raider software, how to analyze knock data in MGLV HD software, and then how to make a...
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 23: Boost Control Tuning
Ecu Flash 16 Bit Subaru Training Part 23: Boost Control Tuning takes a look at how the closed-loop PI based boost control works within the Subaru ecu. We explore a sample data log to review what to look for when analyzing how the boost control works.